Saturday, September 3, 2011

Who is Jo Calderone?

It is obvious that I am a big fan of Lady Gaga, anyone who knows me has surely listened to my poetic rants of her pop star they liked it or not. And the time has come for me to help yoü understand Jo Calderone.
Jo Calderone made his initial appearance in the most recent Gaga video Yoü and I. Even before the video was released, promotional shots of Gaga dressed in Jo drag appeared on the Internet as the cover for the single and were instantly embraced by Little Monsters everywhere (to be fair, anything this woman touches always has been, and always will be embraced by us). 

After watching Yoü and I for the first time all I could think of was Jo Calderone...the perfectly crafted thorn amongst this years most fashion filled music video. The time and effort put into building this character did not go unnoticed, and Little Monsters flooded twitter feeds with his praises.

Days before MTV's Video Music Awards Lady Gaga was quoted saying that her VMA performance would be exactly what her real fans wanted...

And as the lights came up on the VMA stage, there was Jo, live and in color like we had never seen him before. Jo attended the entire ceremony, never once did Lady Gaga herself appear. Jo sat with Jay-Z,  Kanye,  and a glass of whiskey as Beyonce announced her pregnancy, and then, all while remaining Jo, threw his glass of whiskey to the feet of Jay-Z with excitement as he unexpectedly accepted the award for Best Female Video with tears in his eyes.

And for the record, as my previous blog on the Yoü and I video states, Jo is in head to to designer duds.
Jo was even present in the VMA press room, this footage was unusable due to the amount of profanity Jo used in his excitement...all of this after stubbing out his cigarette on the carpet.

Gaga is a performance artist, the unexpected is expected, and that is what draws us all to her.

If you are still baffled, open yourself up to art. It comes in all forms, and the best art is unexpected and open for interpretation.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Clueless, a blog's namesake.

I watched many movies in the 90's, but none had a larger impact on my style, voice, and memory than 1995's CLUELESS.

I was 10, Cher Horowitz 15, and I idolized her. So, when it came time to choose a name for my blog I found it fitting to pull from the single work that created the base upon which my love for fashion was built.
So, your are probably going, is this a noxzema commercial or what...but I actually have a reason for writing this blog.  Fall fashion is upon us, and back are the, preppy, ready to wear, 70's designs of Clueless.

Designer and Costumer Mona May pulled from European trends to style Cher and Dionn, thankfully, because at the time American fashion was in full Seattle Grunge mode. Cher had well over 50 outfits, and much like myself, girls everywhere started to emulate the style by ditching the plaid flannels and stepping into plaid skirts and knee to thigh socks.

So, its time to watch Clueless, the Fall ready to Wear shows from March, and make sure to plan your fall wardrobe accordingly. And now, here are some vocabulary words:

Betty: A pretty girl
Baldwin: A totally hot guy
Barney: An ugly or dopey guy
Monet: A girl who seems pretty from far away, but close up she is a mess.